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作者:《激战2》官方 发布时间:2014-03-19 15:33:17

Interviewee:  Mike O’ Brien, president and co-founder, ArenaNet

Press:  17173.com

Interview questions:




1.During the China CBT3, players found that there are some differences with the US version. From developers view, what changes and differences of GW2 China version in your opinion compared to the west version?

1. 《激战2》国服这次免费测试,玩家发现国服和美服存在一些不同的地方,从研发商的角度来看,相较于美服,国服有哪些不同的改动?

答:Mike O’Brien, president and co-founder, ArenaNet: The largest set of improvements we made was to the new player experience. We used our experience launching the game in NA/EU to identify what players found confusing as they joined GW2, and made sure to fix those things before launching in China.

答:Mike O’Brien,董事长和联合创始人,ArenaNet:最大的改动是新手体验系统。我们利用在美服/欧服的运营经验,了解了让《激战2》新玩家感到困惑的方面,并确保这些问题会在国服上线前得到修复和改善。

In the NA/EU launch version, the game only properly introduced a few systems, but mostly it provided everything with no introduction at levels one and two: downed state, profession abilities, off-hand weapons, underwater, crafting, gathering, map completion, fast travel, banking, trading post, PvP, and WvW. In the China version we spread out more of these so we could provide a proper introduction of each. Note though that advanced players can still skip ahead: they can work on various aspects of map completion, travel with Asura Gates, and join PvP or WvW, before the level at which these features are introduced.


In the NA/EU launch version, the game introduced a new personal story step every few levels, so after completing each story step the player was expected to do some leveling up before attempting the next. In the China version story steps are grouped together so that players can complete an entire section of the story at once.


In the NA/EU launch version, the game provided a skill point, a trait point, and some attribute points on each level up. These were very incremental changes that were difficult to notice or appreciate. In the China version the game provides rewards in bigger batches so that players can immediately notice and appreciate the difference. For example, one level you get five skill points at once, another level you get a big boost to your attributes.


In addition to improving the new player experience, we also made changes that we think are right for the long-term play experience. The biggest of those must be the change to the dye system. In the NA/EU launch version dyes were character unlocks, whereas in the China version they're account unlocks. With this new system you only need to collect a dye once and you can use it on any character. This is more convenient, but it means demand for dye will go down, so we're also reducing supply. Dye unlocks now come only from crafting and from the gem store.


Actually NA/EU players have been asking for dyes to be account unlocks for a long time and we'll want to make essentially this same change for NA/EU. The differences will be in phrasing. In the NA/EU version players purchase dye packs from the gem store; in China players purchase dye identifiers from the gem store. Either way you purchase something and it gives you random dye, permanently unlocked for all characters on your account.


Getting back to the question, I have provided a sampling of changes we made for the China version but this list is by no means exhaustive. A lot of our work went into changes that seem detailed or hard to notice, but to us, those details matter a lot. We re-implemented every hint in the game. We made the game teach itself and removed the old ineffective help system. We added a content direction system so that the game always points you to something you can do next. We even made behind-the-scenes changes, like changing the way the game stores its data on disk, and rewriting critical back-end servers to prepare for launch capacity.


2.GW2 China announced will sync with the global version previously but we found actually there are a lot things that do not synchronized. For instance, in the US version, the weapon skills unlock by battles but in China server this is by level. What is the reason here?

2. 《激战2》国服在开测前宣传与美服同步,但实质上有很多不同。比如美服通过战斗打怪解锁武器技能;而国服通过等级解锁,为什么会这样设置?

答:Mike O’Brien: We think that unlocking weapon skills by level is a better system. It's simpler, it gives players more time to learn their first weapon, and then it means that they have all skills unlocked immediately when they find new weapon types later in the game.

答:Mike O’Brien:我们认为通过等级解锁武器技能是个更好的系统——更简单,让玩家有更多时间学习他们的第一个武器,在此之后,当他们在游戏中找到其他新武器类型时,所有的技能都已经解锁了。

To answer your question more generally, when we talk about keeping the versions synchronized, our core concern is to ensure that players can experience every new Living World episode and every new Feature Pack when we release them at about the same time in each territory. Thus it's important to us that the territories shares common core systems so that new content we introduce works the same everywhere in the world.


Going back to the example of weapon skill unlocks, it doesn't particularly matter to a player's enjoyment of Living World episodes or of a new Feature Pack release whether he had originally unlocked his weapon skills through combat or through leveling. Either way, the skills are unlocked. So we made that change for China because we think it's right for China, and we have plenty of time to decide later whether we should bring that change back to NA/EU too.


In some cases we have allowed the versions to diverge because there's a change we can make for China that would be very difficult to bring back to NA/EU. I'll give an example. In GW2, guilds can exist across multiple worlds. In the NA/EU version, guilds earn influence separately and spend it separately on each world that their members play on. In the China version, guilds have a single pool of influence, and the upgrades they purchase with influence benefit members on all worlds. Obviously the China system is better, but it's not easy to take a system like that back to NA/EU where guilds already have different unlocks on different worlds.


In some cases we couldn't allow even a temporary divergence without threatening our ability to ship new Living World releases and Feature Packs globally. I'll give an example. At launch in NA/EU we had long queue times for WvW, and WvW is only getting more popular over time, so we expected very long queue times in China. It was important for us to fix the WvW queuing situation before launching in China. But this was not something we could allow to diverge, so we ensured that we released the new WvW map, Edge of the Mists, in all territories prior to the launch in China.


Keep in mind, we'll be releasing a Feature Pack after CBT3 but before the launch of the game in China, so you'll see more of that type of global change then.


3.Besides the above questions, others like WvW, in the US server, a new player can directly enter WvW at level 2 through the WvW icon; but on China Server this needs level 35 without WvW icon and playeres have to run in it. What’s your consideration here?

3. 除上述问题外,还有如参与WVW,美服新手任务后(2级)就可以通过图标直接进入战场。国服却要达到35级之后才能参与WVW,并且还没有图标直接传送,要靠自己跑路进去,为什么这样设置?

答:Mike O’Brien: In China also, players can enter WvW at level 2. We don't think that's a very good experience, but it's there for advanced players.

答:Mike O’Brien:同样的在中国版本中,玩家仍然可以在2级时就进入世界之战。其实我们觉得这样的游戏体验并不理想,但高端玩家还是有方式选择自己的游玩方式。

You're seeing a partially implemented system in CBT3. Here's how it will work: the WvW button will appear at level 35 or when any character on your account has earned a single rank in WvW. So if you want early access, you can use an Asura gate to travel there at level 2, earn a single rank, and all of your characters will get the WvW button.


4.KongZhong once said there will be no VIP system in game, but in the CBT3 that the Royal Title system caused big controversy here as players basically regard this indeed is the VIP system. As a GW2 developer, how do you think about the situation here?

4. 宣传时空中网称游戏中不会出现VIP,但国服中“皇家爵位”功能争议巨大,玩家普遍认为这就是VIP系统,作为研发方你们怎么看这种情况?

答:Mike O’Brien: As developers, the important thing to us is that we hold true to our standards of what should be and what shouldn't be purchasable. You may have read my 2012 blog post on this subject. For those of you who haven't, I'll summarize. We think it's right that players can spend money on items to provide visual distinction or customization, and can spend money on account services and time-saving conveniences. We think it's right that players can trade gems for gold and vice-versa, such that players can keep up with other players and be on a level playing field, whether they use their time or money to do so. But we think it's never ok for players to buy a game and not be able to enjoy what they paid for without additional purchases. And we think it's never ok for players who spend money to have an unfair advantage over players who spend time.




I know that players everywhere are skeptical of microtransactions after having seen them abused in other games. So I wouldn't ask you to take my word for it; I ask you to see for yourself. In talks with KongZhong we've decided to expand CBT3 and allow players to experience the game soon without a CD key. I hope to see you there.




